No Diversion for Commercial Drivers
Commercial driver license or commercial learner permit holders are not eligible for any diversions for traffic offenses. DMV will suspend your commercial driver license or commercial learner permit when the department received a record of diversion under ORS 813.230.
Major Traffic Offenses
The Oregon DMV will suspend your Commercial Driver License (CDL) or Commercial Learner Permit (CLP) for one year if you are convicted of any of the following offenses:
Violations While Driving Any Vehicle (Commercial or Non-Commercial):
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance
- Refusing an alcohol test
- Failing a breath or blood test (BAC of 0.08% or greater)
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Using a vehicle to commit a felony
Violations While Driving a Commercial Vehicle:
- Causing a death due to negligence
- Having a BAC of 0.04% or greater
- Driving while suspended due to a previous CDL or CLP suspension
Lifetime CDL Suspension
Your CDL/CLP will be suspended for life if you are convicted of two or more of the above offenses. You may be eligible for reinstatement after 10 years if you qualify under OAR 735-063-0380.
Serious Traffic Offenses
Serious Traffic offenses are defined in OAR 725-063-0360. DMV will suspend your CDL or CLP for:
- 60 days if you are convicted of two serious traffic offenses within a three-year period.
- 120 days if you are convicted of three or more serious traffic offenses within a three-year period.
What Counts as a Serious Traffic Offense?
Serious traffic violations apply to both commercial and non-commercial vehicles if you hold a CDL or CLP.
Violations While Driving Any Type of Vehicle (Commercial or Non-Commercial):
- Reckless driving
- Exceeding 100 mph
- Exceeding the speed limit by 30 mph or more when the court imposes a suspension
Violations While Driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle:
- Speeding 15 mph or more over the posted limit
- Operating a vehicle without proper driving privileges
- Failure to carry or present proof of commercial driving privileges to a police officer
- Driving on the left on a curve, grade, intersection, or railroad crossing
- Failing to stay within a lane
- Unsafe passing (on the left or right)
- Following too closely
- Using a mobile electronic device while driving
- Violating traffic laws that contribute to a fatal accident
- Violating traffic laws in another state that correspond to Oregon laws
Failure to Appear/Comply
DMV will suspend your CDL or CLP if you fail to appear in court or fail to pay a traffic fine for a traffic offense in any state as a CDL or CLP holder or while driving a commercial motor vehicle.