The consequences of a DUII conviction in Oregon vary based on the number of prior offenses and whether aggravating factors (such as an accident or injury) are involved. Here’s a breakdown of the penalties for a DUII conviction:
Penalties for DUIIs in Oregon

- First Offense
- License Suspension: 1 year (plus potential additional suspension for implied consent refusal)
- Fines: minimum fine is $1,000 or $2,000 depending on your BAC, plus fees, and maximum fine up to $6,250
- Jail Time: minimum of 48 hours (or 80 hours of community service), maximum of up to 1 year
- Alcohol Education: Enrollment in a treatment program may be required. $150 for the screening + any treatment the evaluator recommends.
- Other possible penalties: probation, stay law abiding, not drink or use drugs unless prescribed, restitution, victim impact panel, ignition interlock device
DUII is usually a Class A misdemeanor, unless you have two prior convictions for DUII in the past 10 years.
- Second Offense
- License Suspension: 1 year (plus potential additional suspension for implied consent refusal)
- Fines: $1,500 or $3,500 depending on your BAC, plus fees, and maximum fine up to $6,250
- Jail Time: 10-30 days jail, and maximum of up to 1 year
- Alcohol Education: Enrollment in a treatment program may be required. $150 for the screening + any treatment the evaluator recommends.
- Other possible penalties: probation, stay law abiding, not drink or use drugs unless prescribed, restitution, victim impact panel, ignition interlock device
A second-time DUII is usually a Class A misdemeanor, unless you have two prior convictions for DUII in the past 10 years.
- Third Offense
- License Suspension: 3 years (plus potential additional suspension for implied consent refusal)
- Fines: $2,000 to $4,000 depending on your BAC, plus fees, and maximum fine up to $6,250
- Jail Time: 90 days to 1 year.
- Alcohol Education: Enrollment in a treatment program may be required. $150 for the screening + any treatment the evaluator recommends.
- Other possible penalties: probation, stay law abiding, not drink or use drugs unless prescribed, restitution, victim impact panel, ignition interlock device
A third-time DUII is usually a Class A misdemeanor, unless you have two prior convictions for DUII in the past 10 years, then you are facing a Class C felony.
- Felony DUI (3 DUIIs within the last 10 years)
- License Revocation: Permanent revocation of license with possible restoration after 10 years by petitioning to the court
- Fines: maximum fines and fees up to $125,000
- Prison time: maximum prison time up to 5 years
- Other possible penalties: probation, stay law abiding, not drink or use drugs unless prescribed, restitution, victim impact panel, ignition interlock device, alcohol/drug evaluation and treatment
If you have received three DUII convictions in the past 10 years, you may be facing a Class C felony in Oregon.
Hire an Experienced Oregon DUII Attorney
DUII is a serious offense in Oregon, and the consequences can be severe, including license suspension, fines, and jail time. With Oregon’s tough penalties and enforcement of the Implied Consent Law, it’s crucial to understand the risks and responsibilities associated with impaired driving.
To protect yourself and others on the road, always plan ahead when consuming alcohol or drugs and avoid driving if you feel impaired. If you find yourself facing a DUII charge, it’s important to contact an experienced DUII lawyer to protect your rights and explore possible defenses. Stay informed and stay safe on the roads of Oregon!
Having an experienced Oregon criminal defense lawyer on your side can drastically change the outcome of your case and the penalties associated with it. Call us now for a free consultation: 541-508-4716.
Gary R. Johnson Law is here to help and advocate for you.
We never charge for an initial consultation, so give us a call today.