Car Accident Laws in Oregon

How to Submit Medical Bills to An Auto Insurance in Oregon

As a car accident lawyer in Bend, Oregon, I hear stories about automotive mishaps all day long. One of the most frequently asked questions is always: “how to submit medical bills to an auto insurance if I’ve been injured in an accident”? I’ll guide you with this blog post. There are some definite steps to observe. Here’s your easy guide.
Learn how to submit medical bills to auto insurance after an accident

The Skinny on Oregon’s Distracted Driving Law for Texting & Mobile Phone Use

On October 1, 2017, the Oregon Distracted Driving Law came into full effect on its streets and highways. A November 2019 study, comparing the nation’s texting-while-driving laws, concluded that Oregon now has the strictest rules in place in the US. Let’s look at exactly what the law allows – and doesn’t allow.
man looking at phone, ignoring oregon's distracted driving law

How to Report an Accident to the Oregon DMV

If you’ve been in a car accident anywhere in Oregon, you have to tell the DMV about the incident. This is true whether the police showed up and did a report, or if the accident was minor. But – how exactly do you report the accident to the Oregon DMV? And under which circumstances?
How to report an accident to the Oregon DMV